We have published our privacy policy in our efforts to make gamesfree.com an open and transparent company. Our main purpose is to give our players the best free gaming experience, with great respect for the privacy of all our users.
This page will explain how gamesfree.com makes sure that your privacy is protected. Giving you the best gaming experience on the web. Please read our privacy statement to learn about our advertisers, cookies and liabilities.
Please contact our editors might you have further questions or ideas to improve our services and/or privacy.
This page will explain how gamesfree.com makes sure that your privacy is protected. Giving you the best gaming experience on the web. Please read our privacy statement to learn about our advertisers, cookies and liabilities.
Please contact our editors might you have further questions or ideas to improve our services and/or privacy.
Privacy Policy
GF Network
This is an official privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") for the free online game website gamesfree.com ("Site," "we," "us," or "our"), an Internet website owned and operated by Games Free Networks, Inc (GF). This Privacy Policy governs only the personally identifiable information ("Personal Information") collected by the Site. GF network is committed to protecting your privacy online. To further this commitment, we have adopted an Online Privacy Policy that guides how we collect, store, and use the information collected about you online.Who is doing what?
Your time is valueable so here is a quick summary of the activities that might log your behaviour during the visit of GREE (gamesfree.com) :GamesFree: logs(no) cookies(no) database(no) sharing(no)
GoDaddy: logs(yes) cookies(no) database(no) sharing(no)
Google: logs(yes) cookies(yes) database(yes) sharing(yes)
It is very important for your privacy, that you understand the above activities. Read this entire statement to learn more!
Cookies are created on the internet everywhere
Yes, you read it right. Cookies and HTTP access logs ARE created here at GamesFree. By our third party webhost. The webhost might be keeping HTTP access logs for balance, performance and troubleshoot purpose. Our third party advertisers are always creating cookies on this, and many other websites, you visit in order to serve you the best curomized advertisements of products you might like. This privacy policy will tell you more, and also include links to the actual privacy policies of those companies.This means that even GamesFree is not hosting scripts that log your behaviour on both local and server storage, our advertisers (such as GOOGLE) might be logging your behaviour, as we (GFREE) (also 'gamesfree.com') explained to you in this statement of privacy.
For your peace of mind: gamesfree.com is committed to protecting your privacy online. gamesfree.com does not collect any personal information and our main goal is to provide you with daily free online games. Please keep reading this statement to learn more about cookies that could (or could not) be used by third parties that we allow to advertise on our gaming portal.Gamesfree does not have services installed that could log you, like scripts (php) cookies (script) or a datamine (database). Our advertisers might be using services that could log your behaviour during your visit on this website, this services are logs,cookies,database and sahring as we already explained above andnd will be explaining in detail in our further privacy online statements:
About cookies
Cookies are local digital text files that can be created by any remote connection that you make in your browser to remote code, script or php files. A cookie can only store text or (binairy) numbers or a combinations of both. Because cookies are just text files, created and controlled by your browser, it's a harmless system for your computer health. However you need to be aware that websites, mobile apps and advertisers are able to write and read certain 'invisible' information on the background while you think you are just browsing some online or mobile App content. Games Free uses no cookies.No Logging
Your IP address is being logged to gather demographic information and to visualize visiting paterns (how many pages you views, gameplays, downloads, etc). Our scripts, html and php codes do no execute to read or write from cookies. We will never log individual details, or anything that might give us a clue who you are. Our webserver has the log configuration disabled and only takes an emergency dump (EMERG log level) in the event of a crash.Sharing Of Information
There are no scripts or programs running on our server that store your information. We allow our third party advertisers to host scripts on our webpages. Third party advertisers might collect, store and use your information. These scripts are not property of our game portal website and are subject to the privacy policy of the third party. Find the links to the third party privacy policies in the sections below to learn more.Third Party Advertising
We use third-party advertising networks to serve advertisements while you visit gamesfree.com. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements on this site and other sites about goods and services that may be of interest to you. Currently Gamesfree is using cpmstar.com and Google Adsense.Google Policy
The EU User Consent Policy outlines that you as a user of Google ad technology , consent to the following activities on your local computer system:- Google may use cookies and other local storage where legally required; and
- Google may be collection, sharing, and use of personal data for personalization of ads.
- Google may identify each party that may collect, receive or use end users personal data as a consequence of your use of a Google product
- Google provides end users with prominent and easily accessible information about those parties’ use of personal data
Third Party Cookies
Our third-party advertiser may place or recognize a unique cookie on your browser. They could create such cookies on any website including this one. Such a cookie could be used to track wheter or not you want to view popups, banners etc on this and other websites that are using their services. Here are the links to our third parties:google.com/policies/privacy
The scripts our third parties execute are not located on our server and their policy might change in the future.
Opt Out
You can opt out most advertisers and their cookies here. Please note that the nai service will create additional cookies on your machine as well.- link: thenai.org/opt-out
- link: cookiesandyou.com
Cookies And you is also a place to learn more about your privacy. Although we went above and beyond to tell you everything we can on this page, we do highly recommend also visiting and reading about cookies on the website 'Cookies And You'. We really care about you and your privacy and that you understand and accept what our party advertiser(s) cookies could be doing on your computer system(s).
Data Sharing
GamesFree (GF) and the EU care a lot about your privacy. That is why 'we' (www. games free.com) and the entire EU want you to read, study and learn each single row of the following list of data sharing companies. Do not use our website (gamesfree.com) without making sure you studied and remember all of the following companies:- Google *
- [24]7.ai (successor to EngageClick)
- 1plusX
- 1trn
- 22-Visions
- 2KDirect Inc.
- 360e-com
- 42 Ads
- 6Sense Insights, Inc
- 90Degree
- A Million Ads Limited
- A1 PerformanceFactory
- Aarki *
- abilicom
- ablida
- activecore
- Acuityads
- Ad Lightning
- Ad Optima Digital
- Ad2iction
- Ad360
- Adacado *
- Adadyn
- Adagio
- Adapt Retail - Advertising Platform
- Adara Media *
- Adbalancer
- Adblade
- AdButler
- Adcash
- AdColony
- Adcombi
- Addition Plus
- Addroid
- Adelaide Metrics Inc
- AdElement
- Adello
- ADEX *
- AdFalcon
- Adflare
- Adform *
- AdGear
- AdGibbon BV
- Adhese
- adhood
- Adikteev *
- Adimo
- Adjust GmbH
- AdKernel
- AdLedge *
- AdLib Digital Limited
- adlocal.net
- Adloox *
- Adludio *
- ADman Media
- AdMaxim *
- Admedo *
- Admetrics *
- Admixer
- Admo.TV
- Admost
- ADn.AI
- Adnami ApS
- adnanny.com
- Adnetic
- Adnuntius AS
- Adobe Advertising Cloud *
- AdotMob
- AdPlay
- AdPlayer.Pro
- AdPlugg
- Adpone
- AdPredictive
- AdRetarget
- Adriver
- adrule
- Adsniper
- Adsolutions BV
- Adsonica
- AdSpirit AdServer
- Adssets
- Adstra
- AdsWizz Inc.
- adTarget.me
- Adtelligence
- Adtelligent Inc.
- AdTheorent, Inc.
- AdTile
- AdTiming
- Adtoox
- AdTrader
- AdTriba *
- AdUnity LTD
- advanced STORE GmbH *
- Advanse
- Adventive
- Adventori *
- Adverline
- Advertserve
- Advmaker
- advolution.control *
- Advrtas
- Adwatch
- Adways SAS
- Adxperience
- Adzerk
- Adzymic
- AerServ
- Affiliate Future
- Affle India
- Aidata
- Airtory
- Akamai *
- AlikeAudience
- Alion
- Alkemics
- Allegro.pl sp. z o. o.
- Aller Media AS
- Alooma
- Alpha Architect
- Alphalyr SAS
- Alphonso.tv
- Altum
- Amazon *
- Amino Payments, Inc.
- Amobee *
- Amp.ai by Scaled Inference
- Analights *
- Animmoov Media
- AniView Ltd
- Answer Media
- AntVoice
- APEX Mobile Media
- AppGrowth Inc.
- Appier
- AppLovin Corp. *
- AppNexus (Xandr) Inc *
- Appreciate
- AppsFlyer
- appTV
- Arbigo Inc.
- Arcspire
- Arkeero
- ArkMedia
- Armis
- Arpeely
- Arrivalist *
- Art of Click
- Artsai
- Artworx AS
- Ask Locala (F.K.A Fusio by S4M) *
- Astromotion
- AT Internet
- Atedra
- Audience Solutions
- Audience2Media
- AudienceProject *
- AudienceRate
- AudienceRun
- Audiencevalue
- Audigent
- Aunica *
- Avantis Video
- Avocet *
- Awin
- Axonix
- Azameo
- B2BIQ - AdServer
- bam! Interactive marketing GmbH
- Bannercloud.io
- Bannerflow *
- BannerNow
- Bannerwise
- BanterX Inc
- Barometric
- Batch Media *
- Bauhof Group AS
- BDSK Handels GmbH & Co. KG *
- Beeswax *
- Beintoo
- Belboon
- bet365
- Betgenius *
- Better Banners
- Biddeo Ad Server
- Bidease
- Bidtellect
- Bidtheatre
- Big Happy
- Bigabid
- Bilendi
- Bizible
- Blingby
- Blismedia *
- Bliss Point Media
- Blockchain4media
- Blue
- Blue Billywig
- Blue Face co.,Ltd
- Bluecore, Inc.
- Bluesummit
- Blueworks
- bly
- Bombora *
- Bonzai
- Booking.com *
- Bose
- Boston Consulting Group
- BounceX
- Brainworkz
- Branch
- Brand Metrics
- Bridgewell
- BridTV
- BritePool, Inc.
- BSmartData
- Butlers GmbH & Co. KG
- Buzzoola
- Bytelogics
- C3 Metrics *
- Cablato *
- Calzedonia
- CapitalData
- Captify
- Carrefour
- Cauly
- Cavai
- Cazamba Serviços de Internet Ltda
- Cedato
- Celtra *
- Centro *
- Chalk Digital
- Channel Four Television Corporation
- ChannelAdvisor
- Chartboost
- Cheetah Mobile
- Cheq
- Chitika
- Chocolate Platform
- Cint *
- Clario
- clean.io
- Click2Buy
- Clickagy
- ClickForce
- ClickOcean
- Clickpoint
- Clickwise
- Clinch *
- Clipcentric, Inc.
- Clipr
- Cloud Technologies *
- Cloudflare *
- Cloudinary, Inc.
- CoAdvertise
- Coinzilla
- CollegeHumor
- Combell
- Commanders Act *
- communicationAds
- comScore *
- congstar
- Connatix
- ConnectAd Realtime GmbH
- Connected-Stories
- Connexity
- Conrad
- Constant Contact
- Content Ignite
- Converge Digital
- Conversion Logic
- Conversive
- Cortex
- Corvidae
- coupling media
- Credebat
- Crimtan *
- Criteo *
- CrossInstall, Inc
- Crucial Interactive Inc.
- Crutchfield
- Cuebiq
- Cxense
- CyberAgent
- Czech Publisher Exchange z.s.p.o.
- d3sv
- D4
- Data2Decisions
- Datablocks, Inc
- DataExchanger
- Datafy
- Datalicious
- Dataseat
- DataXu *
- Dativa
- DaVinci11
- DAX from Global
- DeepIntent
- Delta Air Lines
- DeltaX
- Demand Side Science, Inc.
- Demandbase *
- Dentsu Aegis Network *
- Dianomi
- Digilant
- Digiseg *
- Digital Ad Systems, Corp.
- Digital Hub Hannover GmbH
- digitalAudience
- Digitalist Group
- Digitalsunray
- Digitize
- direct interactive
- Discover-Tech LTD
- Display.direct
- DistroScale
- Divvit AB
- DMA Institute *
- Double Check
- DoubleVerify *
- DPG Media BV
- DServe
- Dstillery *
- Dumarca Gaming Ltd
- DynAd
- DynAdmic Corporation
- Dynamic 1001 GmbH
- Dynamic Yield
- Dynamo.video
- Dynata *
- E-Contenta
- E-Planning
- E.ON Energie Deutschland GmbH
- Eacnur
- EASY Marketing GmbH
- EASYmedia *
- EasyPlatform
- eBay *
- ebuilders *
- econda GmbH
- Edge NPD
- Effinity *
- eMarketingSolutions
- Emerse
- emetriq *
- Emodo
- EMX Digital
- Enbritely
- engageBDR
- Ensighten *
- Epic Combo
- Epom
- Epsilon *
- Erate
- Essens *
- Eulerian Technologies
- Evidon *
- Evolution Technologies SSP
- Exactag *
- Expedia, Inc.
- Exponential *
- Exposebox
- Extreme Reach
- Eyeota
- Eyereturn Marketing
- F Sharp
- F@N communications
- Facebook *
- Factual Inc.
- Fastbooking SAS
- firststars
- Fiverr
- Flarie
- Flashtalking by Mediaocean *
- Flexitive
- fluct
- Forbes
- Fospha
- Foursquare
- Fractional Media *
- FranceTV Publicité
- Fraudlogix
- Freckle IoT
- FreeWheel
- Fresh8 Gaming
- Fringe81
- FXCM.com
- Fyber
- Gamesight
- GDM Services, Inc d/b/a Fiksu DSP
- Gemius *
- geolad GmbH
- GeoProve Limited
- GetIntent
- Getquanty
- GfK *
- Giantmedia
- Glassdoor, Inc.
- GlobalWebIndex
- Go Mobile
- GoldSpot Media
- Good-Loop
- Goodeed
- Goodway Group
- GP One *
- Grabit Interactive
- Graphyte
- Gridsum
- GroovinAds
- GroundhogTech
- GroundTruth
- GroupM *
- Gruuv Interactive
- Gruvi
- gskinner *
- GumGum, Inc
- Haensel AMS *
- Happyfication inc
- Hargreaves Lansdown
- Hashtag'd
- HasOffer - Tune, Inc
- Havas Media France - DBi *
- hbfsTech
- HockeyCurve
- Hotels.com L. P.
- Housing.com
- HQ GmbH
- HueAds
- Human Made Machine Limited
- hurra.com *
- Hybrid Theory
- hybrid.ai
- HYP Pty Ltd
- Hyper AdTech
- hyScore.io GmbH
- IAB Tech Lab
- iAGE Engineering
- IBM *
- ID5
- IGAWorks
- Ignition One *
- IgnitionAI
- Illuma Technology
- imonomy
- Impact *
- Impactify
- Improve Digital *
- Index Exchange *
- INFOnline
- Ingenious Technologies
- Inmind
- InMobi
- Innity
- Innovid *
- Inskin Media
- Instant Ads
- Instinctive
- Intango Ltd.
- Integral Ad Science *
- intelliAd *
- internetstores GmbH
- Interpolls
- Interrogare GmbH
- Intimate Merger
- iProspect
- IronNet Cybersecurity
- ironSource Mobile
- Isobar Czech Republic
- JamLoop
- Jampp
- Jetpack
- Jivox *
- Journey by CAKE
- Joystick Interactive
- jsdelivr
- Justpremium
- JustWatch
- JW Player
- Kadam
- Kaden
- Kantar *
- Kargo
- Kaufda
- Kayzen
- Kelkoo
- KeyCDN
- Keymantics
- Kidoz
- Kimia Group
- Kiosked
- Knorex
- Kochava *
- Koninklijke Philips N.V.
- KPI Solutions
- Kubient
- Kupona
- Kwanko
- Kwanza DSP
- Kwanzoo
- lead alliance GmbH
- LeadBolt
- LeadsRx
- Leanback Digital
- LendGo & Innovative Metrics
- Lentainform
- Lifesight
- LifeStreet *
- Liftoff *
- Ligatus
- LINK Institut
- Linkstorm
- LiquidM
- ListenLoop
- LiveIntent
- LivelyImpact
- LivePartners
- LiveRamp *
- LnData
- Loblaw Media
- Localsensor *
- Localstars
- Location Sciences
- Logiq Digital Marketing
- LOKA Research
- Loopa
- LoopMe *
- Lotame *
- LotLinx®
- Louder
- Lucid
- Lucidity
- Lupon Media
- Machine Advertising
- Macromill group *
- Madington
- Maelico LTD
- Magnite *
- Mail.ru
- MainADV *
- Manage.com *
- Market Points, Inc.
- Marketing Science Consulting Group, Inc. *
- Marketing Town
- Markit
- Mashero
- Maverick
- MaxCDN
- Maytrics
- Meazy
- Media Lab Limited
- Media.net
- Mediahead
- mediaintelligence
- Medialabs
- MediaMath *
- MediaPal
- Mediarithmics
- mediasmart
- MediaWallah
- Meetrics *
- Melvad
- Metalyzer
- Method Media Intelligence
- MG-Comm
- MGID Inc.
- Miaozhen Systems
- MicroAd
- Microsoft
- Milanoo
- Millemedia
- MindTake Research *
- Mintegral
- MiQ
- Mixmarket Affiliate Network
- Mixpo
- Mobfox
- mobilcom-debitel
- Mobile Innovations
- Mobitrans *
- Mobkoi
- Mobpro *
- Mobusi
- Mobvista/Mintegral
- modellbau universe GbR
- Moloco Ads *
- Momentum
- Mopedo
- MoPub (a division of Twitter, Inc.)
- Movable Ink
- Mozoo
- N2
- Nano Interactive *
- Native Touch
- NativeAds.com
- nativeMsg
- Navegg *
- Near Pte Ltd
- Neodata Group *
- NEORY GmbH *
- Net Info
- Netflix *
- Netquest *
- Netscore
- NetSuccess
- Neural.ONE *
- Neustar *
- Newsroom AI
- Next
- Next Level – Affiliate Marketing
- NextRoll, Inc. *
- Nexus Soft
- Nielsen *
- NinthDecimal
- nmd
- Nomura
- Nordisk Film A/S
- Nørgård Mikkelsen A/S
- Norstat
- Novem
- Nubo LTD
- numberly *
- Objective Partners *
- Octaive.com
- Ogury Ltd
- Oktawave
- Okube
- Omnicom Media Group *
- OmniVirt
- On Device Research *
- OneDash
- OneDigitalAd Technologies
- OneTag *
- Onseo
- OpenLedger ApS
- OpenSlate
- OpenX Technologies *
- OpinionAds
- Opt Out Advertising
- Optimise
- Optimize LCC D.B.A Genius Monkey
- Optomaton *
- Oracle Data Cloud *
- Orange Advertising
- Orbis Video
- OTM Worldwide LLC
- OTTO *
- Outbrain Inc.
- OVC GmbH
- Overstock
- Oxford BioChronometrics
- PadSquad
- Pandora
- Pangle DSP
- Parrable
- Parship
- Partnerize
- Pathmatics
- PebblePost
- Peer39
- Pelmorex Corp
- Perfect Audience
- Persona.ly
- Pexi B.V.
- Phaistos Networks
- Phoenix Marketing International
- Pi-rate / pubintl
- Pixalate *
- PixFuture
- Piximedia
- Placed
- Plan.Net Performance
- Platform161 *
- Platform360
- PlatformOne
- Playdigo
- PML innovative media
- Polar
- Polldaddy
- PopRule
- Porsche AG
- PowerLinks Media Ltd.
- Prebid.org
- Preciso
- Primis *
- ProData Media
- Prodege, LLC.
- Programmatic Ecosystem LLC
- ProgSol.cz
- Protected Media *
- Proxistore
- Publicis Media *
- PubMatic *
- PubWise
- Pulpo (An Entravision Company)
- PulsePoint *
- Pure Cobalt
- Pure Local Media GmbH
- Purple Patch
- Qantas
- Qriously Inc
- Qualtrics
- Quantasy
- Quantcast *
- QuarticON
- Quiet Media
- Quintesse
- Quple
- R.O.EYE Limited
- Rackspace *
- Rakuten Marketing *
- Rambla
- Raptor Services
- Reactive
- Read Peak
- Realytics
- Reamp
- Reas Travel Group
- Recruit JP
- Red Cubes Ltd
- REES46
- Relay42 *
- Remerge *
- Reset Digital
- Resolution Media *
- Resonate *
- Retail Rocket LLC
- Retargetly
- Retube Interactive Video
- Revcontent
- RevenueMantra
- RevJet *
- Rezonence
- Rich Audience
- Rippll Ltd
- RMS (Ermes)
- Rockerbox
- Rontar
- Roq.ad *
- Roy Morgan Research
- RTB House *
- Rutarget
- Salesforce DMP *
- Samba TV
- Sape
- SAS One Planet Only
- ScaleMonk
- Scenestealer *
- Scigineer
- Scoota *
- Seedtag
- Seenthis *
- Sellpoints
- Semasio GmbH *
- SFR *
- Sharethrough, Inc.
- ShowHeroes
- Shutterstock, Inc.
- Sift Media *
- Signal
- Signals Data
- Silver Egg Technology
- Silverbullet Data Services Group
- SilverMob
- Simplaex GmBH
- Simpli.fi *
- Sincro LLC
- Singular Labs Inc.
- Sirdata
- Sixide
- Sizmek *
- Sketchfab, Inc.
- Skoiy
- Smaato *
- Smadex *
- Smart *
- Smart.bid ltd
- smartclip Europe GmbH
- Smartly.io Solutions Oy
- Smartology *
- SmartyAds
- Smile Wanted
- SMN Corporation
- Snap Inc.
- Snapupp Technologies SL
- Snitcher.com
- Softcrylic
- Softcube
- Sojern *
- SOL Networks Limited
- Solocal *
- Solution Coupons
- Somo Audience
- Somplo
- Sonobi, Inc
- Soundcast
- SourceKnowledge
- Sovrn *
- Spartoo
- Spicy Mobile
- SpiderAF
- Spirable
- Splicky
- Sportradar
- SpotX
- SpotX Xfinity
- Spotad *
- Spotible
- Spring Venture Group
- SpringServe
- Squeezely
- StackAdapt
- Stailamedia
- StartApp
- Stratio Big Data
- Stream
- Stream Eye
- StreamRail
- STROER SSP GmbH datenschutz *
- Sub2 Technologies
- Sublime Skinz
- SUITE 66
- SunMedia
- SUNT Content
- Supership
- Suzumuchi
- Swaven
- Synkd
- Systemina
- t2ó
- TabMo *
- Taboola *
- TACTIC Real-Time Marketing *
- TACTIC™ Real-Time Marketing *
- Tagtoo
- Tail
- Taiwan Mobile Co Ltd
- Takoomi
- Tangoo
- Tapad
- tapCLIQ
- Tapjoy
- Tapklik
- Taptica
- Target RTB
- Tchibo GmbH
- tD-GDN
- Teads *
- Tealium
- Telecoming
- TenMax
- TF1 - FR
- The MediaGrid Inc.
- The Reach Group
- The Trade Desk *
- The Very Group
- Thomann GmbH
- ThoughtLeadr
- Throtle
- Thunder
- TimeOne
- Tinkoff.ru
- Tonefuse
- TorchAD
- TotalJobs Group Ltd
- Touch Ads
- TraceAd
- Tradedoubler AB *
- Tradelab
- TrafficGuard
- Trafmag
- Tramplin Media
- Transmit.Live
- travel audience – An Amadeus Company *
- Travel Audience - A company by Amadeus *
- Travel audience – An Amadeus Company *
- travelaudience.com *
- Travel Data Collective *
- TravelClick
- Treepodia
- Trend Research
- TreSensa *
- Tribes Research
- TripAdvisor
- TripleLift *
- Triton Digital
- True Wave Technologies Limited
- TruEffect *
- TrustArc *
- Tuky Data
- Turbo
- TVadSync
- TVSquared
- twiago
- Twinpine
- twyn
- TypeA Holdings
- Uber Technologies Inc.
- UberMedia
- Ubex DSP
- Ubimo
- ucfunnel
- Umeng Plus Beijing Technology Limited Company
- Underdog Media
- Undertone
- unerry Inc
- Unity Ads
- Unitymedia
- UnrulyX *
- Upwave
- usemax (Emego GmbH) *
- Userneeds
- Ve Interactive
- Verizon Media *
- Vertoz
- Vertriebswerk
- Verve Group *
- VF Visual Fantastix Tanner
- Viant
- Vidazoo
- Video Research Interactive
- Videology *
- Vidoomy
- Vidstart LTD
- Viewbix
- ViewersLogic LTD
- Viewst
- Vimeo *
- Vinstant
- Virtual Minds *
- Visarity
- Vital Media
- Vizury
- Vodafone GmbH *
- Vpon
- Vserv
- Vuble
- Vungle
- Wagawin
- Walmart
- Wavenet
- Waystack *
- We Adapt
- Webgains
- Weborama *
- Whichit UK Ltd
- White Ops *
- Wider Planet
- Widespace *
- Wish
- Wizaly *
- Wonderbly
- Woobi
- WooTag
- X-Social
- xCheck
- Yabbi
- Yahoo! Japan
- Yandex
- YDigital Media
- YieldMo
- YouAppi
- YouGov
- YouSee
- YRGLM Inc.
- YSO Corp
- Yusp
- Zebestof
- Zentrick
- zeotap
- Zeta Global
- Zirca
- ZMS *
- Zoekhelden
- Zucks
- Zuuvi
- Zynga
- ZypMedia
- help.dhgate.com (japan)
- fancydigital.com.cn (china)
- 360.cn (china)
ATP Double check Needed
We urge you to fully compare the list of 194+ ATP with Google's most recent version, in case there might be a small window of time, where our careful and human-checked updates are behind the master-list: visit this link for the most recent version of data sharing ATPs: https://support.google.com/admanager/answer/9012903?hl=en&Liability
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